The following unpublished stories and articles been provided by the Cockrell family. Few items in this collection are dated although most bear the stamp of Cockrell’s New York literary agent, Paul R. Reynolds, indicating they were prepared for potential publication. Some can be dated by subject matter such as “The Obituary of Torridtail,” Cockrell’s account of the firing of the Viking rocket on board the USS Norton Sound in 1950. In the future it may be discovered that several of these manuscripts have been published, perhaps under pseudonyms, in minor magazines or in syndicated publications yet to be catalogued. Others may have found their way revised as television screenplays.
Short Stories
- A Pretty Girl Is Like a Malady **
- “All the World . . . . .” **
- B Is for Blood **
- Birthday Party
- Boys’ Day **
- By Act of Congress
- The Coup
- The Dog Spoke French **
- The Early Fall of Finnegan **
- Easter Note **
- Figures Don’t Lie **
- First Class Male (Refugee Smith Story) *
- For Those Who Came in Late **
- Forget If You Can (Alternate Title: Autumnal Equinox) **
- Forty Two Long Gone **
- The Good Joes **
- Good Old Golden Rule Days**
- Hero In the Dark **
- Late Spring **
- Like Father . . . Like Son
- Love Laughs at the Learned (Co-Authored with Daniel Gordon) **
- The Majesty of the Law (Co-Authored with Daniel Gordon) **
- Muggsy Toots a Trombone **
- Officer of the Day **
- One Game Guy
- Prelude to Lawrence Part I**
- Prelude to Lawrence Part II
- The Princeton Pose
- Red, White and Black
- Refugee and Mr. Willie (Refugee Smith Story) *
- Return of the Naïve (Refugee Smith Story) *
- The Same Boat (Co-Authored with Daniel Gordon) **
- Santa Claus Stops Over **
- Sign On the Potted Line **
- Simple Honor
- Slow Train Through Sassoon **
- Spelling Bee (Refugee Smith Story) *
- Strip for Action (Co-Authored with Richard Wormser) **
- Summer Storm (Alternate Title: Legacy for a Lover) **
- The Two-Cornered Triangle (Co-Authored with George Hogan) **
- The World Goes On (Partial – Co-Authored with Anne Wormser)
- Untitled – Advertising Agency Romance (The Low Spot)
- Untitled – Striking Husbands (Never a Word) *
Obituary of Torridtail **
Tell Em’ Stuart Hamblen Sent You Down (Partial – Co-Authored with Daniel Gordon) **
*Refugee Smith and Other Stories of the Ring, edited by Roger Coleman (Traverse City, MI: Mission Point Press, 2022)
**The Lost Stories of Eustace Cockrell, edited by Roger Coleman (Traverse City, MI: Mission Point Press, 2023)